Continuing my journey with Girl Scouts I wanted my Gold Award to also align with my non-profit. To continue funding for annual care bags (established through my Silver Award) and to hopefully start helping fund diabetic supplies for those who need it most I am hosting a golf tournament that will also become an annual event.
The Date of my tournament, Golfing for a Miracle, is Saturday June 5th 2021, with tee times starting at 8am. We will score men and women separately and use the Peoria Golf Handicapping system as many are expected to not have known handicaps.
The tournament is being held at Willis Case Golf Course in Denver (4999 Vrain St Denver Co 80212)
The cost of my inaugural tournament is $100 (this will include a cart and lunch after the event). When you register you have the option of making pairing requests, we will do our best based on numbers to honor each request.
I will also have a donation box set up to collect items to continue the tradition of the care bags from my Silver Award. We will be collecting items that we will add to bags that will then be donated to the Barbara Davis Center to continue helping those who are newly diagnosed. If you would like to bring items to donate a few ideas are:
alcohol swabs
pocket notebooks
small toys (coloring books, crayons/colored pencils, small dolls, small sports toys)
individually wrapped hard candies (eg ring pops, dum dum suckers).
You can see what I originally placed in my care bags for additional ideas by visiting my Silver Award page.
I am currently working on sponsors as well as putting together ideas for other "mini events" (IE: marshmallow drive, closest to the pin putting contest, etc). Please consider registering and help me meet my goal of 52 golfers for my first tournament (this number is highly significant as we wanted 26 groups of 2 as my aunt was 26 when she passed away which drove my starting One Monkey's Miracle).